FAQ - What resources does the HTA provide to consumers?
This website is designed to be your hub for all things home technology related. Here are some resources you will find:
a list of the most qualified home technology integration professionals in your area (click here)
a simple technology budget estimator tool that creates realistic installed cost budget ranges for home tech systems ranging from very good to top of the line (click here)
a Project Technology Assessment form to use as a checklist of the technology amenities you may want in your home (download the form here)
a ‘Resource Guide’ showing you the top brands and services in the home technology industry. Use the Resource Guide for creative ideas for your home (click here)
the ‘Request a Quote’ service. We will make an introduction for you to one of our HTA Certified integrators (click here)
educational articles meant to give you a concise overview of home technology systems and related topics. Click here to see the list of articles
a 6x a year 'Home Technology Design' newsletter meant to keep you up to date with technology trends. Subscribe here (we don't sell your contact information)